Root Canal
Post Operative Root Canal Instructions
Root canal therapy is a procedure to retain a compromised tooth. Although it can be a tedious procedure, it is responsible for saving many teeth from extraction. These instructions will help you feel more comfortable once the procedure has been completed.
What Can I Expect?
When the anesthesia wears off there may be some tooth sensitivity due to inflammation in the area of the tooth that was worked on. This is only temporary and may take up to several days to subside. Sensitivity to touch, pressure, and biting is not uncommon. Taking anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) will help reduce this sensation until it leaves naturally. In addition, prescription medications such as antibiotics and pain medications may be prescribed by the dentist. Take these as directed. Any swelling should be reported to the dentist immediately. A temporary filling has been placed over the root canal access point. Until a permanent restoration is placed, it is normal for this filling to wear away slightly on the biting surface and in between the adjacent tooth.
What Can I Do?
Try to avoid eating on the side of your mouth that the root canal was performed. This will accomplish 2 things: it will reduce the discomfort caused by the inflammation mentioned previously, and it will prevent the tooth from breaking or losing the temporary filling. Once the tooth has exhibited proper healing, the dentist will restore the tooth with a post-and-core and a crown. Failing to follow through with the restorative phase will jeopardize the health of the tooth and may result in an extraction.
It is always better to be safe than sorry, so if you have any questions or concerns please call our office to speak to our staff.